Friendly and Fresh reminders can always help remind you of great tips to keep your skin feeling and looking fresh. The word behind a Womends Best Friend is WATER. Every morning help yourself to a glass of lemon water. Its a great way to jump start your metabolism and the smell is said to help remind you of summer morning. Always carry water wherever you go. This will help you develop a habit of drinking the recommended amount of 7-8glasses/day. My tip is to ADD Lemon, the smell throughout the day always gives me a boost of energy so you feel FRESH...Water is essential for our cells to continue working and staying healthy. Drinking water will help your skin too.....I learned this from my mother who is a role model of mine when it comes to keeping your skin and body healthy. Its a cheap way to make your body happy and give the energy and glow you need.
My mother and I freshly squeeze our lemons in advance and keep them in this Great glass container. This makes it easy for me to grab lemon on the go and it forces me to drink lemon water all day. You cant make it easier then this so for me there is NO excuse....